DEALERS ARE WELCOME FROM : Canada, Australia, Qatar, Pakistan, Seychelles, Greece, Austria, Russian Federation, Czech Republic, Korea (South), Chile, Portugal, Japan, Syria, France, Indonesia, Turkey, Singapore Belgium, Germany, Egypt, Sweden,United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, China, France, Mexico, Thailand, Taiwan, Morocco, Norway, Brunei Darussalam, Brazil, Greece, Seychelles, United States of America, Other parts of India, England
Asbestos Sheets and Gasket
Spitmaan is registered trademark of M/s. Champion Jointings Pvt. Ltd.
Gaskets and Sheets for water purpose (Spitmaan Style 20 Red)
Jointings are developed for general purpose applications and the quality is applicable to wide range of duties with less severe working conditions of Temperature and pressure...
Technical Data
Recommended Maximum Temperature
Recommended Maximum Pressure
35 Kg/sq. cm
Specification Compliance
IS 2712-1998 Grade W/3
IS 2712-1971 Grade C
Identity Colour
Red or Graphited

Gaskets and Sheets for Steam Service (Spitmaan Style 54 Yellow )
Jointing is recommended against saturated Steam, Oxygen, petroleum distillates, oils and Fats, fuels, internal combustion engines, hydrocarbons, alcohols, solvents, lyes, etc.
Technical Data
Recommended Maximum Temperature
Recommended Maximum Pressure
150 Kg/sq. cm.
Specification Compliance
IS 2712-1998 Grade W/1
IS 2712-1971 Grade A/S
Identity Colour
Yellow/Gray or Graphited

Gasket and Sheets for Oil Service (Spitmaan Style 59 oil)
It withstands the most exciting demands of oil and petrochemical plants, solvents refrigerator, oil etc.
Technical Data
Recommended Maximum Temperature
Recommended Maximum Pressure
150 Kg/sq. cm.
Specification Compliance
IS 2712-1998 Grade O/1
IS 2712-1971 Grade A/O
Identity Colour
Dark Grey

Gaskets and Sheets for Acid Service (Spitmaan Style 60 Acid )
Recommended for use against hot concentrated organic Inorganic and mineral acids its manufactured to withstand corrosive actions and chemicals.
Technical Data
Recommended Maximum Temperature
Recommended Maximum Pressure
150 Kg/sq. cm.
Specification Compliance
IS 2712-1998 Grade A/1
Identity Colour
Cream / Light Grey

Gasket and Sheets for nominal steam pressure (Spitmaan Style 51 Brown )
Its recommended against steam neutral non flammable gases lyes alkaline solution fats and oils alcohols motor fuel and such other engineering service condition
Technical Data
Recommended Maximum Temperature
Recommended Maximum Pressure
80 Kg/sq. cm.
Specification Compliance
IS 2712-1998 Grade W/2
Identity Colour

Gasket and Sheets for High Steam Pressure For Boilers (Spitmaan Style 54 Metallic)
Asbestos fiber jointing embedded with a strong reinforcement of steel wire guaze, it is used under rapidly changing operating condition of pressure where vibrations are experienced e.g. diesel exhaust manifold cylinder head gasket n Air Compressors
Technical Data
Recommended Maximum Temperature
Recommended Maximum Pressure
160 Kg/sq. cm.
Identity Colour
Graphited Black

Spitmaan Style 39 Red
Manufactured from selected quality of Asbestos Fiber and valanized with special rubber compound to meet with the exacting requirements of modern industry Used for application against dry and wet steam, water, gases, alkalies, oil at normal temperatures, chemicals, fuels etc. and general engineering

Technical Data
Recommended Maximum Temperature
Recommended Maximum Pressure
80 Kg/sq. cm.
Specification Compliance
IS 2712-1998 Grade W/2
Identity Colour
They Are available in the following thickness 0.4 mm thickness to 6 mm in various sizes of sheets from 1525 mm wide x 6000 mm long
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